Collaboration on Tasks and Notes in HubSpot

Make team communication more transparent and efficient by using HubSpot Notes and Tasks to their maximum effectiveness.

Stop adding unnecessary email, Slacks, and Google Chats to your already busy communication pipelines. Use HubSpot tasks and notes to their maximum efficiency by tagging teammates and having conversations in context.



If you are using Slack or email or some other communication environment ... Google Chat ... as a way to send FYIs to your teammates or ask teammates to do certain tasks for you, you've got a really good solution in HubSpot that will not only help you get the communication out, but help you recognize if other people saw it, had questions about or actually did the tasks. Let me show you how this works. Let's start with assigning a task. If you go to a... The task is usually going to be related to a company, a contact, a deal, or a ticket. In most cases, that's where your tasks are going to occur. We're going to go into a contact. We're going to say, I need to create a task for this contact. You launch your task, and here's where you can put your task information. You can assign it to a primary task owner. But if you need other people to see the information about the task, you can go into the notes and type the @ symbol and start typing teammate names that you want to see the task, and they will also get flagged about the task.

Here's an example of a notification received by one of the people that was tagged. What's really cool about this is when people get the task, if they have a question about it or want to give you information about it, they can go to the task itself and click on it, and now they can add comments about that. You end up having a conversation relative to the task. You'll know when the task gets completed, but you'll also be able to see the conversation from other people in the task thread. That's one way to push your communication out there without creating the need to send yet another ancillary Slack, email, or Google chat. Now, let's look at how this works with notes. Let's go into a ticket. We have a customer service ticket out there, and you need to You've got a note about this ticket. It's not something that needs to be assigned and completed by a certain date, but it's information that other people on your team need. You can indicate the information in the note, and then That's just the same process. You're going to do the @ sign and tag your teammates and create the note.

You could also create a task to go with the note if you needed to. Now, when people go into that ticket to look at the note, they can click on the note, add their comments, and again, all of the communication around that note remains in context, which makes it easier and far more transparent for your organization to serve your customers and prospects and support each other.