Connect Your Calendar to HubSpot

How to connect your Google or Outlook calendar to HubSpot to take advantage of scheduling tools.

By connecting HubSpot with your Outlook or Google calendar, you can streamline your workflow and improve productivity in several ways. First, syncing your calendars allows for seamless integration of your schedule with your HubSpot tasks and appointments, ensuring that you never miss an important meeting or deadline. This integration also enables you to easily schedule and track follow-up tasks within HubSpot based on your calendar events.

Additionally, integrating HubSpot with your calendar provides a centralized view of all your activities, making it easier to prioritize tasks and manage your time effectively. You can also set up automatic reminders and notifications for upcoming events, reducing the risk of forgetting important engagements. This synchronization helps in maintaining consistency across your platforms and ensures that all your data is up-to-date and accurate.

Overall, connecting HubSpot with your Outlook or Google calendar simplifies your workflow, enhances organization, and boosts efficiency, ultimately leading to improved productivity and success in managing your tasks and appointments.

Here's a quick video to show you how to connect your calendar and edit your meeting links:

Video Transcript

To take advantage of HubSpot's scheduling and calendaring tools and links, you'll need to hook up your calendar to HubSpot. It's really easy to do.

  • First, you go to this little tool gear bar in the top right ... it is labeled "settings."
  • Once you go into the settings, look for your preferences.
  • You want to make sure you're in general settings.
  • We recommend you do this after connecting your email. So theoretically, your email is already set up, and
  • now you go to this calendar tab. Look, it's even helpfully telling me my calendar is disconnected.
  • All you have to do is click this orange Connect your calendar button.
  • Tell it which type of calendar you're connecting, and hit Connect. It will give you some legalese to click through, and it will ask you to go through the connection process with your calendar provider. Just accept and continue through those prompts. And that's it.

Now your calendar is connected. The next thing you need to do is look at the account settings below.

  • You want to make sure that this checkmark for calendar sync is checked.
  • If you want your tasks calendar synchronized with HubSpot, you're going to click here and indicate which calendar is your tasks calendar.

  • Also, click to make sure that you are using meeting scheduling pages.
  • If you'll notice down below, when I clicked which task calendar connect, a little rollup bar came up at the bottom and it asked me to save. Make sure you save every change.
  • Back to our meeting scheduling pages. Tell the system, if you use more than one calendar in your connected calendar environment, like these are all the different Google calendars I have, if you want more than one calendar to be used for HubSpot to know when you have availability, then put any calendars that are the truth about your schedule in this availability calendars box.

Hubspot will give every seat or every user one automatic calendar, and that will be the URL to that calendar. But if you have a sales seat, a Sales Hub Pro or higher seat, you can create many types of scheduling links. So everyone gets one scheduling link, but if you have a Sales Hub Pro seat or higher, you can set up as many links as you want. Now, down here, if you have a custom domain to use, you can set the custom domain there. Usually, your systems administrator will have set that for you if one exists. If you click here and see some domains that are available to you, you could choose that. So then it won't be meetings. Hubspot. Com/whatever your link is. It will be yourdomain. Com com/whatever-your-link is.

  • Then your default meeting link will allow you to have a little duration selector at the top that asks, "How long of a meeting do you want?" 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 60 minutes. Now we've got your calendar set up.

Let me show you where you find meeting link information.

  • You go to Library and
  • then Meetings Scheduler. I have a Sales Hub Pro seat in this system. That's why it's allowing to see multiple meetings. If you don't have a Sales Hub Pro or higher seat, you'll only see this one link, the 60, 30, and 15-minute meeting.

Let's take a look at what this link looks like when you share it. I'm going to click here. As you'll see, here's the how long do you need, and the person can pick 15, 30, or an hour. It looks at your calendars, the ones that you've said, please look at these calendars for my availability, and will show what times are available in those calendars. If you want to edit that calendar, you can.

You can go here to Edit, and you can say, for instance, just change the internal name. There's my Save button popping up. I have a tendency to save early and save often. Um, an event title, so I'm just editing this meeting now.

  • If you use Zoom, you can automatically attach Zoom to your meeting links.
  • Otherwise, you can add a Google meeting link, an enduring Google meeting link by going to and telling it you want a new meeting, then selecting, "create a meeting for later."
  • Then here, you're going to see what the link is for the Google meeting link.
    • You copy this link, and there's one thing you have to do, because if you just paste this link into this location, it won't work correctly.
    • You have to go to the beginning of the link and type https://.  Then that will be the meeting room that it uses for all of your links.
    • You can indicate if you want people to be allowed to cancel and reschedule a meeting and save.
Now on the Scheduling tab... Okay, on the Scheduling tab, we see schedule and the duration options.

  • Now, say you really only want a 30-minute duration here. You could get rid of the other two. And then your link will just say meeting duration 30 minutes.
  • Or you could say you want 30 minutes and an hour and 15 minutes, or you can set custom times. So you get to decide what the duration options are for that link.
  • Make sure you set your time zone. I'm in Central time.
  • Here's your availability window. You could say you're available every day of the week from 9:00 to 5:00, or you could say this is just Monday, and I'm available from from, say, noon to 5:00. You could set a different time for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, et cetera.
  • Remember, these are just the times that HubSpot can look at your calendar to book meetings. If you already have a meeting booked in that time range on your calendar, HubSpot will not make that available to people to book. It's looking at your calendar, seeing what your availability is within the windows you've defined, and then allowing people to pick from the open spaces in your calendar.

So that's where you go to set the specifics of your calendar link. It says Save again.

On the form, it automatically asks for first name, last name, and email, but you can add other properties.

  • For instance, let's add Company, if we want to make sure we collect Company Name on that form.
  • You could add a phone number.

Then that added that to your link right there to make sure you get the information you need when somebody books a meeting with you.

  • You can add a Captcha button if you want just to keep robots from booking meetings.
  • I like this one. You can let your people using your meeting link invite guests from their company to the meeting.
  • This, you only need to worry about the data privacy and consent if you are in California or Europe and concerned about CCPI or GDPR privacy legislation, at least for now.
  • Then finally, Confirmation. You can send people to the default Confirmation page, which looks like this, or you can redirect them to a special page that you've had created just for people booking your meetings.
That is the basics of hooking up your calendar and setting up your meeting links.