How To Use HubSpot's Powerful Task Management System

Gain more control over your work and your business using HubSpot's task management system.

In the fast-paced world of business, missed opportunities can be costly. A single overlooked task can lead to unhappy customers, lost sales, and diminished loyalty. In this video, we present HubSpot's robust task management system and show how it can help your company stay on top of critical tasks, ensure timely follow-ups, and ultimately drive business growth.


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Perhaps the biggest area of lost opportunity for companies today is tasks slipping through the cracks, leaving customers or prospects waiting at a time when they need your attention, and causing business to slip away from you, or customers to become less loyal. HubSpot provides a really great solution to this problem with its task management system. So let's take a look at the task management system, how to create tasks, and how to make your personal performance and your company's performance more effective.


To get to your tasks, you go to the CRM panel and then down to Tasks. If you're going to task management a lot, which I recommend, make sure you click that bookmark, so you can also get to Tasks from your Bookmarks menu. Here we see we've got a task list of things that are assigned to me. You can also take a look at tasks that are assigned to everyone or tasks that are assigned to specific people, depending on your level of permissions. You can see the full view of task management in your company.


This is really important, because if people are maintaining individual task lists, then it's hard to support them if they happen to be out. Even if you know what was on their task list, you don't necessarily know what was needed to be done. So this makes task management across the organization far more transparent and facilitates a lot more collaboration than individual task lists.


But how did all these tasks get to this task list? Perhaps we should start there. There are so many places you can create tasks in HubSpot, which makes it a really simple system to use. The first thing you can do is go up to this + button and just click Task, and you can create a task here. You can also, if you're in your task view already, you can click this orange Create Task button. You can create tasks from a ticket item. So if you're using HubSpot Service Hub and you've got service pipelines set up inside a service ticket, you can launch a task that's just associated with that ticket. You can do the same thing in your deal pipeline. You can associate a task with a deal if you're using HubSpot sales hub. You can also create tasks from inside any contact or company just by clicking on the Task tab right here.


Even more powerful, whenever you are creating a note, an email, a call, or a meeting for a client or a company, at whatever level you to do any of these activities, you can create follow-up tasks. There's always a Create a Task button option at the bottom of any of those activities, and you can indicate what type of task it's going to be, and then you can indicate when you want that task to be due. It gives you some defaults or you can pick a custom date. You will never again close an activity for a prospect or a customer without assigning a follow-up task if a follow-up task is necessary. So these are the many ways that you can assign tasks to yourself or to others to make sure that the ball never gets dropped.


Okay, so let's go back to your Task Dashboard and look at how we manage tasks in HubSpot. So if you click on any task, you'll see that this blue task bar appears across the top of your screen. So this is what alerts you to the fact that you are in task management mode. And from from here, you can reschedule or skip or complete the task. When you do that, it will move you on to the next task. We'll take a look at that in just a moment.


HubSpot will automatically open the contact that is associated with each task. If you didn't create the task inside a contact record, you may need to open the task and associate it with a contact and/or a company in order to make sure that it opens the the correct file when you click on the task.


Why do you want it to open the correct file? Because it will allow you to see all the information you need to complete that task right away. Right now, I'm in the Activities tab, and I can see my activity feed here, which may be very helpful for completing a task, so you can see what's going on with that contact. In this Overview tab, you can also see all the highlights for that particular contact or company, which can give you very useful insight to completing the task. But back to the Activities tab. If you go to the Task tab, I can see not only do I have one task for this contact, but two. So it may help me to just put the two tasks together and do them at once.


When I open up the task, I can see the notes about the task, any comments that were input about the task from my teammates. I have everything I need to get going quickly and resolve that task. Once I've done the task, I can mark it complete. Then the task bar turns green on this side and it asks me, What do you want to do? Do you want to move to the next task? If I click Next, it opens up the new contact record and my task activity continues. A couple of other things you can do in the task itself (right now, I'm back in the Activities tab at the Tasks option). When you open up a task, you can reschedule a task. You can either do it from here or you can do it up in your blue task bar. I can set a reminder to do a task or set a task to repeat. I can change the type of task. I can also reassign the task to somebody else. You can add a comment to a task from here. You can also associate an additional contact with a task. You have a lot of task management capabilities inside the task card.


And once I'm done with all my task work, I go back up to this blue task bar, I can hit Complete, and then I can go straight to the next task. It opens up the file that I need to do the task. And from there I can reschedule, I can skip it, or hopefully, I can dig into the task and get the work done and then hit Complete again. So that's how you manage tasks in HubSpot and how you elevate something that seems checklisty and administrative to something that can be profoundly impactful in terms of customer loyalty and closing sales.