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How to Permission 3rd Party Apps in Google Workspace

Installing 3rd party apps in your Google Workspace requires you to give the app permissions at the admin level.

When you add a 3rd party app to your Google Workspace, you need to grant permissions to access the app to your users. Otherwise, you'll run into the situation where the Google Suite administrator can see the app ... but nobody else can.

To grant access to 3rd party apps, navigate to:

admin.google.com > Apps > Google Workspace Marketplace Apps/Apps List > 


  • Select the app you want to  grant permissions
  • Select User Access  > View organizational users and groups
  • Navigate to your organizational unit if you have multiple units or groups
  • Click "ON for everyone" in the group

Here's a quick video to show you how:



One of the things that tends to trip people up

when they first start using
the Google Business Suite is how

to permission third party apps
for the users in your Google workspace.

So I'm going to show you how
to do that very quickly.

You're going to go in and manage
the organization however you access it.

You might just go straight
to admin.google.com,

or you might go in through the settings
in one of your Google apps.

And from there, you want to go to apps,
and then you want to go

to Google Workspace Marketplace apps,
and then apps list.

And in that apps list,

let's go look for something that's
not turned on for our organization.

So I'm going to go to this app.

So I've installed the app,

I might even be able to use the app myself
as the administrator,

but my users in our work group do
not have access to the app yet.

You're going to go here
to where it says user access.

If you have multiple organizational units

and groups, they might show
right below this user access.

Otherwise, just click to view your
organizational units and you turn it

on for everyone or turn it on for the
organizational group in question.

And that's it.

Hit Save and that app will now be
available for your group to use.

Thank you.